Colorado Property Brokers has membership in a wide network of multiple list data exchanges reaching local, regional and national purchasers. We understand pricing, strategy and the importance of the given assignment. We study the economic elements of real estate values and their effect on demand as we’re continually testing various disposition strategies.
Our residential brokers have an accurate feel for pricing and the ability to communicate the total economic value of your property to prospective purchasers. We understand and effectively promote the often inconspicuous qualities and values present in the community. We educate buyers. We follow up and we follow through.
Our commercial/business brokers can assist in determining an optimum selling point for your property. Considering macro factors such as interest rate movement, inflation and taxation along with the specific micro factors of your property’s location, site and operation helps determine the timing and marketability of your disposition. Colorado Property Brokers collaborate with owners to help answer the question whether to hold, sell, or exchange investment real estate.
Our affiliation with the CCIM Institute provides the most current and comprehensive analysis of commercial real estate available. The designation is often described as a graduate degree of commercial investment real estate. Established in the 1950’s the CCIM Institute developed and standardized the language of commercial real estate shaping policy and legislation of the industry. Of the more than 150,000 commercial real estate brokers nationwide, only 6% hold the CCIM designation. This global commercial real estate network, the largest of its kind, is comprised of investment real estate brokers, leasing professionals, investment counselors, asset managers, commercial lenders, attorneys and bankers. Advice from, and exposure to CCIMs worldwide provides valuable insight and an unmatched platform to market commercial investment real estate.
Colorado Property Brokers protect wealth and are committed to selling your property at its full potential. We cooperate with all buyers agents.